
Namasté, a non-profit, tax-exempt organization, founded in 1985 by Sister Patricia Donovan McCrann,  provides affordable opportunities for rest, renewal and spiritual exploration in a comfortable environment.
Sister Patricia has been a Sister of the Holy Names since 1961. She brings a rich educational background and life experience to her ministry. She holds a B.A. in Education from Marylhurst University, a Masters in Ministry from Seattle University and a Certificate in the Art of Spiritual Direction from Mercy Center, California.
Before founding Namasté, her ministries included teaching Junior High and serving as an associate pastor in the inner city. She has been a Spiritual Director since 1967.
Through the ministry of Namasté, Sister Patricia is answering her call to be a radiant presence living in the world with radical freedom.

I felt so at home with you and welcome just to BE. . .
and to be with our loving God in silence and solitude.
Joan Bourdon, SNJM